Unleash Productivity With Microsoft Lists Training

If you’ve come across the newest tool in the Microsoft 365 suite, Microsoft Lists, you can be forgiven for thinking it ‘does what it says on the tin’.

The truth is that behind the unassuming name is a versatile tool that streamlines how
information is organised, tracked, and shared.

Lists is much more than lists. It’s a way to keep your team in sync, track projects, assets and share information in a way that works for your team.

But like any new tool, getting the most out of Lists requires some know-how. That’s where our Microsoft Lists training comes in.

In this guide:

  • What is Microsoft Lists
  • Key features
  • Benefits for your business
  • Getting ahead with Microsoft Lists training

What is Microsoft Lists?

Microsoft Lists is an application within Microsoft 365 that lets you centralise and manage
information through user-friendly, collaborative lists. Lists can be projects, tasks, events, routines, contacts, inventory – essentially anything that needs to be tracked and talked

If you’ve ever used SharePoint lists, the new Lists app will feel like an evolution of the
functionality you’re familiar with. If you aren’t familiar with SharePoint, then Lists might look like a project management tool at first.

It does have project management functionality. It’s also an inventory tracking tool. It’s also an asset tracker, event planner, calendar, scheduler and interactive database.

Lists is all these things and more because it’s not one thing specifically. It’s intentionally
flexible, which makes it incredibly powerful – and a little daunting.


Here are a few key features that will help you get your head around what Lists is capable of:

Create Lists for almost anything

Microsoft Lists is a supercharged spreadsheet for modern teams. It has the simplicity of an Excel spreadsheet with the capabilities of a SharePoint list, meaning you can manage all kinds of information in a way that works for you.

The app offers ready-made templates for common scenarios such as issue tracking, asset management, project planning and calendars.

However, in our experience, a blank list is the best place to start. Creating a blank list is
more efficient and effective unless your use case and data structure is perfectly aligned to the template.

Don’t worry – our Microsoft Lists training covers creating a new blank list so you can get
started confidently.

Our Microsoft Lists course also teaches you how to import Excel spreadsheets so you can
view and interact with data in a more dynamic and collaborative way.

Customisable information structure
Microsoft Lists supports various column types, including text, number, choice, date and
more. You can also create calculated columns and use advanced formatting to customise how your team sees and interacts with data.

You can view your Lists in various formats, including:

  • Grid
  •  Cards
  • Calendar
  • Gallery
  • Kanban board

This flexibility means you can visualise your information to suit your particular use case.

You can customise the form elements to ensure good data is coming in and apply conditional formatting so the outputs are clear at a glance.

Integrations and automations
Lists functions in a similar way to SharePoint lists, but the average user doesn’t need
advanced knowledge. This means it integrates seamlessly with SharePoint, Teams and
Planner, another Microsoft 365 app with dedicated project management functionality.

You can also automate workflows and processes with Power Automate. For example, you
might set up automatic notifications, reminders and triggers based on actions within a List.

Collaboration features
Lists is impressively collaborative.

As a native Microsoft 365 app, it works seamlessly in Teams (you can add your List as a
Teams tab). This enables team members to work together in real-time while keeping all
relevant information in one place.

There are also customisable permission levels when sharing Lists. You decide who can view, edit, comment on or change the information to ensure data security.

The benefits of Microsoft Lists for businesses

Reading through the list of features above, you probably have a sense of what Lists can do for your business. Here are some more benefits we see for busy teams:

  • Increased efficiency and productivity: Streamline workflows, reduce manual data entry and automate time-consuming tasks.
  • Central source of truth: Because Lists works from SharePoint data, you don’t risk multiple data entries or missing records.
  • Better data organisation: Structure Lists to suit your specific needs, making
    information easy to find and manage.
  • Seamless collaboration: Work together in real-time, with conversations, assets
    and action items and side-by-side in Teams.
  • Farewell spreadsheets: Lists is intuitive and highly collaborative, with
    transparent records for better data organisation and visibility.
  • Reduced IT costs: Lists has the potential to replace some third-party tools like
    inventory management, visitor sign-in software, asset management and project
    management, without any additional subscriptions (assuming your business uses
    Microsoft 365).

Use cases for Microsoft Lists

These benefits apply to teams of all types, in all industries. Since the first version rolled out to target users in 2020, we’ve been closely tracking the ways it’s used:

  • Project management
  • Lightweight Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Social media management
  • Inventory management
  • Employee onboarding
  • Visitor records
  • Device asset manager

All these use cases have one thing in common. They rely on clear, accurate, up-to-date
information that’s organised to make managing work more efficient.

Getting started fast with our Microsoft Lists course

Microsoft Lists doesn’t require an IT degree. Still, it is a Microsoft 365 tool. That means
surface-level features are fairly intuitive, but a little training goes a long way to helping you access all the benefits.

Our one-day Microsoft Lists for End Users course gives you a working knowledge of Lists
and a great understanding of best practices.

Here’s a quick look at what’s covered in our Microsoft Lists training

  • Introduction to Microsoft Lists: Understand what Microsoft Lists is and how it
    integrates with other Office 365 services.
  • Creating Lists: Learn to create lists from templates, Excel files and from scratch.
  • Managing data: Add, edit and manage data in your lists using List Forms and Grid
  • Advanced features: Explore advanced columns, formatting options and how to use
    Power Apps to customise forms.
  • Automating workflows: Use Power Automate to create and manage workflows,
    improving your processes.

Armed with this knowledge and hands-on expertise, you’ll be able to create effective Lists, collaborate better with colleagues, control projects and assets more effectively and get more work done.

Book your spot in the course today to get organised for tomorrow’s challenges

Why Statutory Supervisor Training Is Essential

The Critical Importance of Statutory Supervisor Training and Site Executive WHS Training

Since the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 came into effect, all
explorations and operations have been required to appoint statutory supervisors. 

People in these positions play a vital role in safety, operational continuity and compliance. Their responsibilities are broad, covering task management, hazards and safety interactions for all staff in their appointed area.

Thankfully, there is a transition period that gives miners until April 2026 to organise statutory supervisor training for people in these positions.

But we know from experience that 2026 will arrive sooner than expected. When the deadline comes, statutory supervisors must be trained, qualified and registered under the new legislation.

Ensuring statutory supervisors and site senior executives complete WHS training is not just a legal obligation but a crucial element in safeguarding the well-being of all employees.

Our comprehensive training will help you meet the requirements. But first, let’s examine your legal obligations and explore how site management safety training helps cultivate a strong safety culture.

Meeting the legal obligations of site management safety training

Statutory supervisors must be prepared to handle heightened risk levels within their work areas. The Regulations helpfully lay out what this means in practice in black and white.

Miners must appoint a statutory supervisor for each key working area, including:

  • Processing plant
  • Laboratory
  • Quarry
  • Workshop
  • Anywhere else the position is necessary to reduce WHS risks

A statutory supervisor must be present in these areas whenever work is in progress. For
example, if there are two shifts in the processing plant, a statutory supervisor must be
present for both.


What qualifications and training are essential for statutory supervisors?

A person can be appointed as a statutory supervisor if they:

  • Have 2+ years of experience in a supervisor position or as a worker in a similar
  • Complete an approved WHS risk management Unit of Competency for statutory supervisors
  • Pass the applicable Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS) legislation

These responsibilities dovetail into the requirements of the Work Health Safety Act (2020) and the subsequent WHS (Mines) Regulations 2022. Under these legislations, all mining and exploration operations must establish a functional Mine Safety Management System (MSMS).

What does statutory supervisor training entail?

Statutory supervisor training prepares the appointed people with a deep understanding of their responsibilities and the skills to apply risk management knowledge in real-world

This training is a requirement under the Regulations and crucial to helping supervisors understand the full scope of their responsibilities.

Ultimately, it keeps people safe in a hazard-prone mining operation.

Introduction to statutory supervision

Gain a comprehensive understanding of statutory supervision in Western Australia, including legal requirements, obligations, and the overall scope of the role.

Roles and responsibilities

Clearly define a statutory supervisor’s critical duties and expectations, ensuring a thorough
grasp of their specific responsibilities within the mining industry.

Safety management

Master the fundamentals of safety management systems, including hazard identification, risk assessment, and developing effective safety plans.

Compliance with regulations

Navigate the complexities of relevant Western Australian WHS regulations. Learn best
practices for achieving and maintaining compliance, including monitoring and reporting procedures.

Documentation and record-keeping

Develop the essential skills for accurate and thorough record-keeping. The program covers the types of documents required, their significance, and practical exercises to solidify your understanding.

Communication and teamwork

Enhance your ability to communicate effectively with your team. The course explores methods for building and leading a safety-focused team, equipping supervisors to be able to address conflict and solve problems collaboratively.

Incident management

Become prepared to respond effectively to incidents and emergencies. The training covers crucial investigation techniques, reporting procedures, and essential follow-up steps.

Where do Site Senior Executives enter the picture?

Site Senior Executives have a broad and important remit. Under the Regulations, they control and manage the mine and mining operations, and manage emergencies at the site. They also fulfil the statutory supervisor function for areas where no statutory supervisor is explicitly required.

This means that a Site Senior Executive must hold the same two Units of Competency that are required for a Statutory Supervisor, as well as one Unit of Competency that is specifically relevant to their own role. The Statutory Supervisor training is comprehensive and up-to-date with the Regulations, ensuring site senior executives have the skills and knowledge to keep their team safe.


Choosing the right training provider
Site management safety training shouldn’t be a matter of checking the boxes. The
Regulations are clear about the requirements for statutory supervisor training – and Site
Senior Executive WHS training by extension – because proper training keeps people safe.

There are a few things you should look for when choosing a statutory supervisor training


Appointed statutory supervisors are required to complete two compulsory Units of

  • BSBWHS411 Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs
  • BSBWHS414 Contribute to WHS risk management

They must also pass the DEMIRS legislation examination, a mandatory online exam.

Ensure your training provider offers a Statutory Supervisor Pre-exam preparation course to help you prepare for the DEMIRS exam. Make sure it covers this content to a high standard and updates course material to reflect legislative changes, current best practices and emerging risks.

Accreditation and recognition

Only a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) can deliver and assess nationally recognised training and official qualifications in Australia. 

Steer clear of non-RTO providers that offer statutory supervisor training but don’t mention certification. Always partner with an RTO like ATI-Mirage to ensure your training investment is backed up with accreditation.

Experienced trainers

In our experience, the ATI-Mirage model of small group workshops with hands-on activities is highly effective.

Participants don’t just gain a deep understanding of the WHS (Mines) Regulations and WHS Act, they also learn to apply knowledge in real-world scenarios and assess realistic risks.


Although the Regulations and requirements for statutory supervisor training are relatively new, a reputable training provider will have demonstrated experience in WHS training. Look for positive reviews and testimonials from past participants. Pay particular attention to reviews/testimonials mining industry courses to assess the provider’s effectiveness.


Are you ready to meet statutory positions safety training requirements?
Statutory supervisor training and site senior executive training is an investment in the safety of your workforce. The training is also essential to remain compliant under the WHS Act.

ATI-Mirage is a leading provider of WHS training in Perth.

We offer a range of WHS courses, including the Statutory Supervisor Course, Leading WHS for Supervisors and Managers, and Statutory Supervisor Pre-Exam Preparation.

Our experienced trainers and our practical learning approach will equip your appointed leaders with knowledge and hands-on practical skills, ensuring your operation meets the highest safety standards.

Stay informed, stay proactive, and invest in the safety of your workplace. See upcoming course dates or contact us to discuss specific training requirements.

Cyber security Awareness Training: The First Line Of Defence

Hi Mum, my phone crashed and this is my temporary number.

Does this text message look familiar? If so, you might know what comes next.

Strong emotional language. A sob story about a broken phone. Sorry, I can’t talk, can we
text instead?

Then, after a few messages, a request for money.

The ACCC estimates that the “Hi Mum” text message scam swindled over 1,000 Australians out of $2.6 million in 2022 (although the ABC later reported the figure as $7.2 million).

Now, in 2024, reports of “Hi Mum” and “Hi Dad” messages are on the rise again.

This is a high-profile example of phishing, a scam technique used to extract personal information – or in this case direct cash deposits – from unwitting victims.

Phishing is a kind of social engineering scam that typically tricks people into volunteering personal data or login details. They enter the information into a site that looks legitimate, and then things go downhill fast.

How Phishing Affects Australian Businesses: Why Cyber Security Training is
Phishing scams are becoming more frequent and more sophisticated. Scammers are
increasingly targeting businesses, too.

They trick employees into downloading malicious software that holds important information to ransom (ransomware) or gain access to email accounts storing sensitive information (Business Email Compromise, BEC).

The spike in these incidents serves as a stark reminder of the need for comprehensive and up-to-date cyber security awareness training.

Cyber security training for employees not only secures your business from the latest scams.

It also reinforces a culture of security throughout the organisation.

Cybercrime in Australia By the Numbers
The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), the Federal Government agency that runs the
Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), issues an annual report on the state of cybercrime across the nation. Here are some of the statistics from 2022-23:

  • Cybercrime reports rose 23% with nearly 94,000 incidents
  • The average cost of cybercrime to businesses rose 14%
  • Small businesses lose $46,000 on average per attack
  • Medium businesses lose $97,200 on average per attack
  • Large businesses lose $71,600 on average per attack
  • 17% of all Category 3 (medium-severity) cybercrime was phishing
  • 19% of Category 3 attacks were data breaches
  • There were no Category 1 attacks (the highest severity) and only 5 Category 2

Why is Cyber Security Awareness Training Important?

Clearly, these numbers illustrate a need to bolster your business’s defences with cyber
security training for employees.

Without proper training, they might not recognise disguised attackers, report suspicious
activity or keep their personal data secure.
Cyber security awareness training equips your employees with the knowledge and skills to:

  • Identify common cyber threats, including phishing emails, malware, social
    engineering attacks and potential BEC attempts.
  • Implement best practices from strong password hygiene to secure browsing habits.
  • Reduce the risk of breaches by empowering staff to act as the first line of defence.
  • Report suspicious activity to ensure a quick and effective response.

Cyber security training is an investment. And considering the average cost of each
successful attack, it’s an investment that pays off several times over.

The Essential Components of Effective Cyber Security Awareness Training

A successful cyber security awareness training program should, first and foremost, be

As such, our experienced trainers tailor the course to the people in the room.
Other must-haves for cyber security awareness training include:

  • A comprehensive curriculum covering a broad range of topics from phishing to
  • Interactive and engaging methods, including simulations, quizzes and real-world
    scenarios, to keep participants engaged and ensure the material is digestible.
  •  Regular updates to ensure the training material stays current with the evolving
    threat landscape.
  • Resources and access to experts after the training to refresh your team’s
    memories or clarify any lingering questions.

Our one-day cyber security awareness training covers all these points, ensuring your team gets the latest knowledge backed by a practical understanding of cyber security in the workplace.

Overcoming Common Challenges

Cyber security may not be everyone’s favourite subject.

Especially for people who are already timid around technology, the idea of learning about all the bad actors out there can generate some reluctance.

In our experience, the first step to overcoming these challenges is reminding people why
cyber security awareness training is important for them personally.

While it might benefit your business, it also prevents your team from falling victim to the next scam.

From there, the onus is on our trainers to make the training engaging and relevant. Thankfully, that is not something you need to worry about.

Our course balances personal and professional cyber security awareness for employees so they feel empowered at work and protected at home.

Does Your Business Need Cyber Security Awareness Training?
You might think that you are safe from scammers because your business has avoided a cyber security incident so far.

Or maybe you think your operation is too small to attract their attention.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Small businesses bore an outsized portion of cyberattacks last year, according to ACSC data.

  • One likely reason is their defences were weaker than those of large organisations.
    However, this doesn’t mean that you need to pull the plug on your employees’ online activity.
    Cyber security requirements vary from one business to the next.
  • Assess organisational needs: Understand the specific cyber threats your organisation
  • Choose the right training provider: Partner with a cyber security awareness training
    provider who meets your needs.

Measure effectiveness: Use metrics such as reported incident rates and employee
feedback to gauge the training’s success.

It is also wise to build up your defences in parallel.

Cyber security awareness training is your first line of defence, but it is not 100% bulletproof. Hackers can exploit system and firewall vulnerabilities to work around cybercrime-aware employees.

Protect Your Business With Cyber Security Awareness Training from ATI-Mirage
At ATI-Mirage, we provide top-tier cyber security awareness training for employees at all

Our Cyber Security Awareness – The Essentials course is ideal for anyone looking to
enhance their cyber security skills, from non-IT professionals to business end users.

Key Areas Covered:

  • Cyber security overview
  • Personal Identifiable Information (PII) protection
  • Social Engineering prevention
  • Password security best practices
  • Device and internet security
  • Business Cyber Security

After completing the one-day course, your team will have a rock-solid understanding of how to protect both personal and organisational data from cyber threats.
Visit our site to learn more about cyber security awareness training today.

Can You Learn The Art Of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership?

Being an effective leader today requires more than just technical know-how and business strategies. Emotionally intelligent leadership has emerged as a vital skill set for managers. Amplified by the pandemic and augmented by employees’ desire to belong at work, emotionally intelligent leadership separates decent managers from inspirational leaders. The good news is that emotional intelligence (EQ) isn’t something you’re born with. It’s a skill you can develop through EQ leadership training.

What is emotional intelligence in leadership?

The idea that employees and managers can leave emotion at the door is outdated and
thankfully disappearing. Emotions are part of being human. Rather than squash emotions, we can manage the unhelpful ones and use the productive ones to benefit ourselves and our colleagues.

This is emotional intelligence

Psychologists at Yale University turned the ideas into a scientific theory in 1990. A little later, another psychologist divided the necessary skills into four areas:

1. Self-awareness: Recognising and understanding our own emotions
2. Self-regulation: Managing our emotional responses in a productive way
3. Social awareness: Our perception of others’ emotions
4. Relationship management: How we use this insight to develop healthy bonds

Abbreviating emotional intelligence as EQ is a nod to IQ and the equal importance of the two characteristics. Just like IQ, someone can have high or low EQ.

Research shows that employees with high EQ are:

  • More committed to their company
  • Better colleagues and “organisational citizens”
  • More satisfied with their work
  • Less stressed
  • More productive

The bottom line is that EQ is an organisational imperative.

So it’s worrying to learn that a 2022 Gallup survey found “Fewer than one in four U.S.
employees feel strongly that their organisation cares about their wellbeing – the lowest
percentage in nearly a decade.”

A decline in emotional intelligence in leadership – whether real or perceived – has significant repercussions. The same survey found that employees who feel cared for are less likely to look for a new job, less likely to burn out, more likely to be engaged and advocate for their company, and more likely to thrive outside of work.

How EQ leadership training can help you build a thriving culture

It’s obvious from the statistics above that emotional intelligence in leadership is

But how do you go about building these skills?

As you can likely tell from the breakdown above, emotional intelligence in leadership (and in life) is a skill set with two parts.

The first is how you relate to yourself. The second is how you relate to others.

Developing one without the other won’t result in a high EQ. For example, if you try to skip the self-awareness step, you risk misinterpreting and manipulating your team’s emotions rather than accurately reading and empathetically responding.

After honing your EQ, the next challenge is looking for gaps and opportunities in your
leadership style. Our new course, The Art of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership, teaches you to do all the above. In a packed one-day EQ leadership training session, you will learn the key principles of emotionally intelligent leadership and learn to apply them in your daily work.

A quick guide to The Art of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

The Art of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership is the result of deep research into psychology, workplace culture and motivation. There is a lot covered in one day. To make it digestible, relevant and applicable, we have divided the course into six modules that build on each other to increase your EQ.

1. Shifting perspectives: Agile emotional intelligence

Awareness of workplace personalities and their importance allows you to respond effectively to diverse viewpoints and foster a more inclusive environment.
Agile emotional intelligence involves:

  • Developing a framework to recognise and respect the unique perspectives of team members
  • Enhancing agility in emotional intelligence to respond dynamically to new challenges and opportunities
  • Using emotional insights to strengthen interpersonal connections and promote a culture of trust

2. Embracing change in your leadership approach

Integrating emotional intelligence into various leadership styles is essential for fostering a resilient and adaptable workforce. As an emotionally intelligent leader, you will:

  • Lead with empathy, Building trust and rapport by showing genuine concern for team members’ well-being
  • Implement strategic changes that ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved
  • Promote adaptability and encourage a continuous learning mindset to navigate the ever-evolving business landscape

3. Embracing change through emotionally intelligent leadership

Change can be challenging. Emotionally intelligent leaders understand the critical role emotions play during these periods. The change management strategies you will learn

  •  Understanding how emotions impact and influence team dynamics and individual
    performance during changes
  • Leveraging emotional intelligence to provide support and direction, helping team
    members cope with transitions
  • Developing and implementing emotionally intelligent strategies to minimise disruption and maintain morale

4. Creating a value-driven work culture

When your team is united behind organisational values, they have a clear vision and higher motivation. Emotionally intelligent leaders foster this alignment by:

  • Recognising and valuing each team member’s unique contribution
  • Implementing practices that encourage innovation, ownership and a sense of
  • Building a culture of appreciation and mutual respect where employees feel motivated and valued

5. Positive influence and motivation

EQ leadership training teaches you how to use your new-found knowledge to get the best out of people. This means being a positive influence:

  • Learning motivational strategies that align with emotional intelligence principles to
    enhance team morale and productivity
  • Using positive reinforcement and encouragement to uplift and motivate team
  • Establishing a workplace atmosphere where employees feel supported and inspired to perform at their best

6. Ethical dilemmas of emotional intelligence in leadership

While emotional intelligence helps you understand who you work with, there are ethical dilemmas to applying what you know.

Our EQ leadership training helps you stay well back from the line, not walk it:

  • Balance empathy and objectivity to ensure you make fair, equitable decisions
  • Use emotional intelligence ethically to support and empower rather than manipulate or exploit
  • Uphold high ethical standards in all interactions, fostering a culture of trust and


Boost your EQ to build a future-ready workforce

By learning the art of emotional intelligence in leadership, you can inspire, motivate and
guide your team to achieve exceptional results – no matter the challenges that come your way.

Our one-day EQ leadership training course is designed to help you do just that. Through
interactive sessions, discussions and practical activities, you’ll gain deep knowledge and
practical skills to foster a more engaged and productive culture at work. 

Book your place in the course today or learn more about The Art of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership.

Unlocking Career Opportunities With Microsoft 365

Today’s workplace is undeniably digital-first. Technology drives everything we do, from basic tasks to highly advanced automations.

Thankfully, most Australian workers are confident in creating documents, sending emails, and making basic spreadsheets.

However, in a tech-first world, higher-order skills are endlessly valuable.

According to the World Economic Forum, technological literacy is one of the top three “skills on the rise” this decade. It even outranks AI and big data.

The ability to use technology for problem solving, collaboration, productivity, and data organisation can make you highly sought after in the job market.

And you might not realise that your workplace’s Microsoft 365 for Business subscription already includes the tools you need for all these tasks.

SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive and Office Online are powerful tools. They take some getting used to, but once you are confident, you will find so much potential to explore.

Thanks to Microsoft’s enduring popularity, these tools will also likely be relevant for a long time.

If you aim to advance your career with adaptable, future-ready technology skills, our Microsoft 365 course will help you achieve that goal.

As well as earning the skills needed for “Fundamentals” Microsoft 365, you’ll gain confidence, get hands-on experience, and learn practical tips to unlock the full potential of Microsoft 365 for Business.


First off, what is Microsoft 365?

Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) is a suite of productivity applications that are fundamental to modern business operations.

The suite includes tools such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. You are likely familiar with these already.

Microsoft 365 also includes cloud-based programs and apps designed for productivity and collaboration in modern workplaces.

  • OneDrive is a cloud storage solution that allows users to store, share, and collaborate on documents securely from anywhere.
  • SharePoint is a highly customisable collaboration tool designed to help teams organise, share, and manage content, knowledge and applications through intranet sites and portals.
  • Microsoft Sway takes presentations to the next level with dynamic, interactive features. 
  • Office Online includes browser-based versions of Microsoft’s traditional Office suite applications, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.
  • Microsoft Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration.

Read more: Rambo’s favourite features of Microsoft Teams.





Cloud storage

Store, access, and share files from anywhere


Team collaboration platform

Share files and resources, and manage projects with your team


Communication and collaboration hub

Chat, video meetings, real-time document collaboration

 Office Online

Web-based versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote

Work from any web-enabled device

Microsoft 365 apps like PlannerForms and To-Do also help with task and project management.

Our Microsoft 365 course builds on your existing Office skills – using Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook in everyday tasks – with practical skills in all these solutions.

The benefits of boosting your skills with Microsoft 365 courses


Increase your value to employers

By mastering Microsoft 365 applications, you demonstrate expertise in widely used business tools.

This makes you a more valuable asset to your existing team. Any savvy employer will notice your Microsoft 365 when deciding on promotions and pay increases.

It also makes you a more attractive candidate in a competitive job market. Showing that you have kept your skills sharp indicates the benefits you bring and the kind of person you are.

Advance your career

With advanced Microsoft 365 skills, you can take on higher responsibilities, qualify for promotions, or transition into roles that require technical expertise.

Almost every company needs people who demonstrate leadership in document management, data analysis, and communication – key areas in which ATI-Mirage Microsoft 365 courses builds your capabilities.

Learn new skills

Microsoft 365 courses offer the opportunity to acquire new skills or deepen existing ones.

Our Microsoft 365 course takes you even further. You’ll gain a practical understanding of the software’s major features, allowing you to adapt your knowledge to new challenges.

These highly transferable skills in widely used programs provide peace of mind that you are not only employable but essential in the tech-driven world of work.

Solve new problems

You will inevitably develop a problem-solving mindset as you learn more about the tools’ capabilities and how they are amplified when the software is integrated.

Remember earlier when we mentioned that technological literacy will become increasingly important this decade? The only two skills that are more important are creativity and analytical thinking.

Gaining proficiency in Microsoft 365 for Business means developing all three skills in one.

Combine your knowledge

SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive, and Office Online are useful tools. But when they are integrated, work becomes seamless.

This is where a practical and expert-led MIcrosoft 365 course becomes even more valuable. As well as learning how each tool works, you will understand how they work together to help your team work smarter, not harder.

Should you earn a Microsoft 365 course?

As a Microsoft partner, our interactive Microsoft 365 course follows the Microsoft 365 Essentials curriculum.

However, where Microsoft’s requires you to complete (and pay for) multiple self-directed courses, our Microsoft 365 Essentials masterclass covers all the solutions in a single day.

At the same time, you gain a working knowledge of these powerful tools that you are ready to apply immediately. You will work in a live system and practice skills in real time, testing your knowledge as you go.

Our experienced IT trainers guide you through a comprehensive Microsoft 365 course developed through extensive research, refinement and real-world practice.

We are also here to help after you complete the course. You can access free help desk support as you apply what you learn to your real work environment.


Are you ready to master Microsoft 365 for Business?

Mastering Microsoft 365 is not just about learning new software. It’s about transforming how you engage with technology to solve problems, collaborate with colleagues and add value to your organisation.

On a personal level, these highly transferable skills unlock new and lucrative career opportunities.

If you want to set yourself up for success in the highly collaborative and information-centric future of work, an ATI-Mirage Microsoft 365 course is the ideal place to start.

Explore the course in detail and book your spot here.


The Real-World Benefits Of MS SQL Server Training

The Benefits of Proficient Microsoft SQL Database Querying Skills in the Workplace

Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses.

Whether you aim to control inventory costs, develop cutting-edge products, understand customers, deliver essential services or forecast financial performance, the answer lies in data.

Still, most businesses lack the capabilities to access insights for informed decisions.

Consequently, data analytics is shaping up to be one of the most in-demand job skills this decade.

According to ABS data, database professionals in Australia earn 47% more than the average salary. Career prospects are also strong, with a 38.9% projected rise in the number of jobs in the field.

One of the fundamental skills in the field is SQL (Structured Query Language). Practical SQL querying skills unlock the potential of data and open the door to your pick of professions.

If you want to level up your career, give your business a competitive edge, or make data-driven decision-making part of your company culture, an SQL queries course is a great place to start.

A quick introduction to databases

Before diving into the specifics of SQL and Microsoft SQL Server training, it’s important to define what a “database” is.

At its simplest, a database is a collection of information organised so that a computer program can quickly extract information.

While spreadsheets like Excel and Google Sheets are fantastic for simple calculations and tracking small data sets, they become cumbersome and inefficient at larger scales.

Conversely, databases are designed to handle large volumes of data. They can be queried, filtered and manipulated quickly and efficiently, even with multiple users accessing the information simultaneously.

They are also built to handle multiple transactions and complex queries without losing performance.

SQL vs Excel: 5 reasons databases are superior to spreadsheets
  1. Scalability: Maybe doesn’t need to be in the blog, but would be a good piece for social media or an image (infographic)
  2. Security: Database management software from reliable vendors offers robust security features to protect sensitive data.
  3. Data Integrity: The structured format minimises data redundancy and ensures consistency.
  4. Collaboration: Multiple users can access and modify data simultaneously with SQL queries.
  5. Advanced Functionality: SQL enables powerful querying capabilities, data filtering, aggregation and complex analysis.
What are relational databases?

A relational database is a type of database that stores information in organised tables. These tables are linked by relationships, allowing you to access and analyse data across different categories.

It’s like a well-organised filing cabinet where everything is interconnected for efficient retrieval. Microsoft’s relational database management system, Microsoft SQL Server, is the most widely used solution, with an estimated 31% market share. This is why most SQL queries courses  in Australia focus on Microsoft SQL Server training.

Oracle, Airtable, MySQL and Azure SQL are also popular. The double plural makes this a bit clunky but it’s the SEO keyword. Alternatively we can just say “SQL courses”

How does SQL relate to relational databases?

Structured query language, SQL, is the standard language for interacting with relational databases.

SQL queries allow you to:

  • Select, insert, update, find and delete data
  • Extract information from large data sets
  • Create and modify schemas (the database’s structure)
  • Control access to data

Whether your business uses Microsoft SQL Server or a competitor, almost all use SQL as their underlying query language.

One big advantage of SQL is that queries use common English keywords.

This makes SQL queries easier to learn than other programming languages like Python. Fun fact: it’s also why SQL was originally called “structured English query language” or SEQUEL.

How SQL is used in different industries and jobs

Mobile and web development

Store and manage user data securely, which is essential for building robust applications.

Data analytics

Extract and analyse data to identify trends and patterns, informing business strategies.


Query customer data to understand buying habits, target specific demographics for campaigns, and measure marketing effectiveness.

Business analytics

Use SQL to help other departments and the business overall gather data for performance analysis and identify areas for improvement.

Business Intelligence (BI)

Develop reports and dashboards using SQL to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and gain insights for data-driven decision-making across the organisation.

Data science

SQL is the foundation for data extraction, pre-processing, and integration with advanced analytics tools.

Quality Assurance (QA)

Write SQL queries to test the functionality of software applications and ensure data integrity.


Analyse financial data to assess risk, track investments and generate financial reports.

Human Resources (HR)

Use SQL to manage employee data, track payroll, and analyse workforce trends in large organisations.


Manage patient records, treatment plans and other critical data that affects patient care, facility operations and medical research.

How Microsoft SQL Server training can help your career prospects

Learning to organise, access and analyse large data sets is an indispensable skill. 

An SQL queries course can add highly valued capabilities to your CV, helping you to change careers, become more valuable in your current role or grow your own business.

Improve analytics efficiency

SQL allows companies to manage data systems that store, retrieve and analyse large amounts of data more efficiently. Professionals who understand SQL can contribute significantly to managing data workflows, maintaining data integrity, and ensuring data security.

Make better decisions

The flexibility of a relational database means access to better analytics. SQL queries uncover deeper insights from large databases to support decision-making at all levels of business.

Advance your career

The ability to organise, access and analyse information is increasingly valuable in a rapidly evolving, data-driven business landscape. Being able to ‘speak’ SQL is a highly prized skill. It opens doors in areas like data analysis, database administration and BI, and a growing number of specialist roles.

Tell stories with data

SQL queries help to communicate insights from data through reports and visualisations. Regardless of your industry or role, data storytelling is important for leadership buy-in, stakeholder and shareholder support, customer intelligence and competitive decision-making.

What you’ll learn in an ATI-Mirage SQL queries course

Our one-day Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server training will equip you with the skills to write SQL queries against Microsoft SQL Server.

Learn from Perth’s best IT trainers and explore various methods for crafting queries, including popular graphical tools and direct coding.

It’s ideal for beginners, programmers refreshing their skills, and Excel users seeking better data storage alternatives.

You’ll gain hands-on skills training covering a wide range of topics, comprehensive course materials, practical exercises using SQL with different tools, and post-course support.

Learn more about the course and book your spot here.


eDISC® Profiles and Effective Communication in Leadership and Management

Effective communication lies at the heart of successful leadership and management. In today’s dynamic and diverse workplaces, the ability to be clear, concise, and engaging when you communicate, is crucial for building trust, fostering collaboration and driving organisational success.

One valuable tool that leaders can use to enhance their communication skills is DISC® behaviour profiling. By understanding DISC® profiles and their relevance to communication in management, leaders can unlock the potential to inspire, motivate and lead their teams more effectively. As experts in training and business solutions, ATI-Mirage has multiple facilitators who are DISC-accredited and they have designed a workshop that focuses on communication skills using DISC.

Overview: Understanding DISC® helps leaders tailor their communication to those with different communication styles, thereby enhancing effectiveness, teamwork and productivity in the workplace. DISC® identifies four main styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. Using this, managers adapt their approach, resolve conflicts and foster collaboration, driving organisational success.

Effective Communication in Leadership and Management

In our experience, effective leadership hinges on the ability to communicate vision, goals, and expectations clearly to team members. In a rapidly evolving business landscape, where teams are often diverse in terms of personalities, backgrounds and communication styles, mastering the art of effective communication becomes even more critical. For us, the DISC® profiling model – essentially a behavioural assessment tool – offers invaluable insights into individual communication preferences, enabling leaders to tailor their approach for maximum impact. However, not all DISC products are created equal! Out of the many different DISC assessment tools available, ATI-Mirage
choose to use Extended DISC or eDISC as it’s also known, because of its validity and reliability.

Understanding eDISC® Profiles

The eDISC® model categorises behavioural preferences into four primary styles:
● Dominance
● Influence
● Steadiness
● Compliance
Let’s look at each of these categories in more detail.
Dominance (D)
Individuals with a ‘Dominance’ style are assertive, decisive and
results-oriented. They thrive on challenges and take a direct approach to
communication, preferring to focus on tasks rather than emotions.
Influence (I)
Those with an ‘Influence’ style are sociable, outgoing and
enthusiastic. They excel at building relationships and enjoy collaborating with others.
They tend to communicate in a lively, engaging manner and are skilled at persuasion.
Steadiness (S)
Individuals with a ‘Steadiness’ style are supportive, patient and
dependable. They value harmony and stability in their relationships and prefer to
communicate in a calm, non-confrontational manner. They are excellent listeners and
strive to maintain a peaceful work environment.
Compliance (C)
Those with a ‘Compliance’ style are analytical, detail-oriented
and systematic. They place a high value on accuracy and precision in their work and
communication. They tend to be thorough in their explanations and prefer to focus on
facts and data. 
We should state that there is no hierarchy to these categories. Each of these communication styles brings unique strengths and preferences to the table, influencing how individuals interact with others and approach leadership roles.
Leveraging eDISC® Profiles for Effective Communication
By leveraging eDISC® profiles, managers can gain valuable insights into their own
communication styles and preferences, as well as those of their team members. Effective leadership communication requires a deep understanding of both oneself and one’s team members.
Our 1-day Communication Skills with Extended DISC® training course can transform how you communicate and influence. In this course, you will understand how to communicate more effectively with a range of personalities. This understanding forms the foundation for building strong, productive relationships and fostering a culture of open communication within the organisation.
Understanding Self & Adapting to Others
We have found that, to a large extent, self-awareness is the cornerstone of effective
leadership. The 1-day course demonstrates that by reflecting on their own eDISC® profile, managers can gain clarity regarding their own communication strengths and weaknesses. Armed with this knowledge, they can adapt their communication style to suit different situations and individuals, thereby enhancing their effectiveness as leaders and managers.
One of the key benefits of the eDISC® model is its ability to help managers tailor their
communication approach to those of their team members. 
By recognising the different communication styles within their team, managers can adjust their communication strategies accordingly. For example, they may adopt a more direct and assertive approach when communicating with team members who exhibit a Dominant style, but take a more supportive and collaborative approach with those who lean towards Steadiness.
Communications Management: Overcoming Challenges
Despite its importance, effective communication in leadership can be challenging,
particularly in today’s fast-paced, multicultural workplaces. We’ve found that common
communication challenges faced by managers include misinterpretation, conflict and
resistance to change. However, by employing the eDISC® profiling model, managers can address and overcome these challenges way more effectively.
We have also identified that misinterpretation often arises when individuals with different communication styles fail to understand each other’s perspectives.
So when we identify and understand eDISC® profiles within a team, we often help managers minimise the risk of misinterpretation and foster a culture of respect and empathy.
Conflict Resolution
Conflict is inevitable in any team setting, but effective communication can help mitigate its impact. By identifying potential sources of conflict through eDISC®, managers can proactively address underlying issues and facilitate constructive dialogue among team members before any escalation.
Change Management
Introducing change within an organisation can be met with resistance, particularly if
communication is unclear or inconsistent. By understanding and using the eDISC® framework, managers can tailor their communication strategies so that they are calmly and effectively ‘heard’ by every member of their team, thereby increasing buy-in and support for change initiatives
Effective communication is a cornerstone of successful leadership. By understanding eDISC® behaviour profiling and its relevance in management, leaders can gain valuable insights into their own communication style and those of their team members. Armed with this knowledge and communication skills training, managers can adapt their communication approach to inspire, motivate and lead their teams more effectively.
At ATI Mirage, we offer comprehensive courses in communication skills, including Extended DISC®. With over 200,000 happy customers, a free post-course help desk and a 100% quality guarantee, give us a call today on (08) 92189059 or email hello@ati-mirage.com.au to unlock your team’s full potential.

Harness the Power of Generative AI Content with (formerly Bing Chat)

Businesses and individuals alike are constantly seeking ways to streamline workflows, enhance creativity and boost productivity.

Enter Microsoft Copilot, an innovative AI companion that leverages the power of generative AI content to revolutionise the way we work and create. Formerly known as Bing
Chat, Copilot is part of Microsoft’s arsenal of AI companions designed to empower users with intelligent assistance across various platforms and applications.

As providers of Microsoft Copilot training, we’ll delve into the capabilities of Copilot and explore how it can transform your productivity and creativity. 

Overview: Microsoft copilot, one of Microsoft’s AI companions, integrates with Cing and Windows
and is powered by Large Language Model programs (LLMs). It boosts productivity, creativity and learning with natural language prompts. While promising, users should be aware of limitations and ethical considerations.


What is Microsoft Copilot?

Microsoft Copilot represents a family of AI companions developed by tech giant Microsoft, aimed at providing intelligent assistance to users across different domains. For us, one great advantage is that these Copilots are integrated into various Microsoft products and services, offering tailored assistance and enhancing user experiences.

Overview of Copilots as the Tech Giant’s Array of AI Companions

Microsoft’s array of AI companions includes several notable individual Copilots, each
catering to different aspects of user interaction and productivity. Among these are Copilot in Windows, Bing Chat  (now renamed Microsoft Copilot), Github Copilot and Copilot in Microsoft

Each Copilot brings its unique set of features and functionalities, catering to diverse user needs and preferences.


What is Copilot?

Microsoft Copilot, formerly known as Bing Chat, is a cutting-edge AI program developed by Microsoft which seamlessly integrates with Bing Search and various Windows applications. At its core, Microsoft Copilot is powered by LLMs, enabling it to understand natural language queries and generate relevant responses and suggestions in real time.

Integration with Bing Search and Windows

One of the key highlights of Copilot is its integration with Bing Search and Windows, allowing users to access a wealth of information and resources directly within their workflow. In our Microsoft Copilot training, we help students to understand that whether they’re researching a topic, looking for relevant documents or seeking answers to specific questions, Microsoft Copilot harnesses the power of Bing’s search capabilities to provide timely and accurate assistance.


What Is It Based On (Large Language Models – LLMs)

To get into the language model side, Copilot is built upon Large Language Models,
which enable it to comprehend and generate human-like text with remarkable accuracy.
LLMs are trained using vast amounts of textual data, allowing Copilot to understand context, generate coherent responses and adapt to user preferences and patterns.


The Copilot Ecosystem

In Microsoft’s blog, under the “The Copilot System: Enterprise-ready AI” section, we see that several key aspects highlight the power and benefits of the Copilot system:

  • Grounded/Using Your Business Data: Copilot 365 leverages your business data to provide personalised
    recommendations and insights tailored to your specific needs and objectives. By
    analysing your data, Bing Copilot 365 can identify patterns, trends and opportunities,
    empowering you to make informed decisions and drive your business’ growth.
  • Built on Security, Compliance and Privacy: Security, compliance and privacy are paramount in today’s digital landscape. Bing
    Copilot is designed with robust security measures and compliance protocols to
    ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data. By adhering to strict privacy
    standards, Copilot 365 safeguards sensitive information and maintains user trust
    and confidence.
  • Designed to Learn New Skills: Microsoft Copilot is continuously learning and evolving, acquiring new skills and
    capabilities to better serve users’ needs. Through advanced machine learning
    algorithms, Bing Copilot adapts to changing contexts, learns from user interactions,
    and improves its performance over time. This continual learning process ensures
    that Copilot remains relevant and effective in diverse scenarios.


How Does Microsoft Copilot Transform Your Workflow

Unleashing Creativity in Writing

Microsoft Copilot empowers users to unleash their creativity in writing by providing intelligent suggestions, generating relevant content and offering real-time feedback. In our Microsoft Copilot training, we demonstrate that whether you’re drafting an email, composing a document or crafting a blog post, Bing Copilot serves as a valuable assistant, helping you refine your ideas and communicate more effectively and quickly.

Unlocking Productivity

With a suitable grounding via training in Microsoft Copilot, you’ll find that by automating
repetitive tasks, streamlining workflows and offering proactive assistance, Bing Copilot
unlocks your productivity and efficiency across various domains. From scheduling your
appointments and managing your to-do lists to generating reports and analysing data,
Microsoft Copilot 365 training enables you to unlock the power of Copilot, to simplify
complex tasks, thus allowing you to focus on higher-value activities and achieve more in less

Upleveling Skills: Using Prompts Based on Natural Language to Enhance Command Skills and Knowledge

In our training, we take Microsoft Copilot beyond traditional AI assistants by offering prompts based on natural language, enabling users to enhance their command skills and knowledge effortlessly. So whether you’re a seasoned professional or a novice user, Microsoft Copilot provides contextual prompts and suggestions tailored to your level of expertise, helping you learn new skills and master advanced concepts with ease.

Limitations and Ethical Considerations

While Microsoft Copilot offers tremendous potential for enhancing productivity and creativity, it’s essential to be mindful of its limitations and ethical considerations. As with any AI-powered tool, Microsoft Copilot may have inherent biases, limitations in understanding complex contexts and ethical implications regarding data privacy and security. By staying informed and exercising caution, our learners will maximise the benefits of Bing Copilot while mitigating potential risks.

How ATI-Mirage Can Get You Up to Speed with Bing Copilot

We understand the importance of staying ahead in today’s competitive landscape. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of training and support services to help businesses and individuals. To fully harness the power of Bing Copilot specifically, consider enrolling in a Microsoft Copilot course with us here at ATI Mirage. The course is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to use Copilot to generate content. It’s an introductory course and requires no previous AI expertise.

We’ll help you to explore Bing Copilot’s advanced features and functionalities. From the
latest text generation techniques, to innovative productivity hacks, our course can equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to stay ahead of the curve and leverage the
application to its full potential. So, whether you’re looking to enhance your productivity, unleash your creativity or streamline your workflows, our experienced team can provide tailored solutions to meet your unique needs and objectives.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you harness the power of Bing
Copilot to drive success in your endeavours.

The Future of Power BI: Upcoming Features and the Evolution of Business Intelligence

In the dynamic world of business intelligence (BI), staying updated with the latest tools and trends is essential for success. Microsoft Power BI training can offer valuable skills to
harness the potential of Power BI for the future.

In this article, we’ll explore the current state of Power BI, recent updates that have enhanced its capabilities, anticipated features set to roll out, and how Power BI aligns with the evolving trends in business intelligence.

The Current State of Power BI

Microsoft Power BI, is a business intelligence platform enabling organisations to transform data into actionable insights. This comprehensive suite of tools provides capabilities for data preparation, data visualisation, and sharing insights across an organisation – all in one package. With millions of users around the world, its user friendly interface, rich visualisations, and seamless integration with other Microsoft products makes it a popular and preferred choice for many businesses.

Navigating the Rapidly Changing BI Landscape

In today’s evolving business landscape, staying updated with the latest tools and features is vital for organisations and professionals to remain competitive. There are good reasons why staying up to date with Power BI is crucial:

1. Enhanced Efficiency – With each update, Power BI becomes more efficient,
improving the speed and performance of data analytics. Staying updated ensures
that your organisation benefits from these performance enhancements.

2. Data Security – New updates often include improved security measures to protect
your sensitive data. In an age of increasing cyber threats, keeping your BI tool up to
date is a priority

3. Competitive Advantage – The latest features in Power BI allows for faster data
analysis and making informed decisions, setting you apart from the competition and
giving you a competitive edge.

4. User Experience – New features often enhance the user experience, making it
easier for your team to work with data and generate valuable insights.

5. Support and Compatibility – Microsoft continuously improves Power BI’s
compatibility with other tools and platforms. Staying updated ensures seamless
integration with your existing systems.


Recent Updates to Power BI

Microsoft has been actively improving Power BI, by releasing updates that have brought
significant improvements to the tool. Some key features introduced recently include:

1. DirectQuery for Power BI Datasets – This feature allows users to create
DirectQuery connections to Power BI datasets. This enables users to leverage the
speed and performance of DirectQuery, while still benefiting from the advantages of
Power BI datasets, such as enhanced modelling capabilities and reuse.

2. Power BI Goals – This is a new feature helping organisations set and monitor key
performance indicators (KPIs) effectively. Users can create, track and visualise their
KPIs progress over time, streamlining the goal-setting process and keeping teams
focused on objectives.

3. Export to PDF with Current Page – This update simplifies report sharing. Users can
export a report to PDF with the current page, ensuring only necessary information is
shared with stakeholders.

4. Power BI Report Performance Analyser – This feature assists users with optimising
report performance. It provides insights into report performance issues, by identifying
bottlenecks and suggesting ways to improve report responsiveness.

These updates have made a sizable impact on user experience and business
decision-making, as users have more tools at their disposal to create meaningful reports and dashboards. With performance improvements enabling faster data analysis, it allows organisations to make real-time decisions, plus the addition of features like ‘Goals’ simplifies the process of tracking and achieving key business objectives, which are crucial for data-driven organisations. Having access to up-to-date and ongoing staff training is important to ensuring you use the full power of Microsoft Power BI updates.


Anticipated Features of Power BI

While Microsoft often keeps upcoming features under wraps, we can make some educated speculations based on industry trends and user feedback:

1. Enhanced AI and ML Integration – Power BI is likely to further integrate AI and
machine learning technologies and we can anticipate even more advanced AI-driven
insights and predictive analytics capabilities.

2. Natural Language Query – There is a growing trend towards making BI tools more
accessible to non-technical users. Power BI could potentially introduce more natural
language query options, making it easier for users to ask questions in plain language
and receive meaningful insights.

3. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Support – With the rise of AR
and VR technologies, Power BI may explore options for immersive data visualisation,
creating a more interactive experience for users.

4. Improved Mobile Experience – With mobile BI on the rise, Power BI is likely to
enhance its mobile capabilities, allowing for better responsive design, offline access,
and more interactive features for mobile users.

5. Enhanced Data Connectivity – Power BI may expand its vast library of data
connectors to include even more diverse sources, ensuring users can access and
analyse data from various platforms and tools.

Power BI Trends in the Context of Business Intelligence

To anticipate where Power BI might be heading, we need to look at the overarching trends in the world of business intelligence:

1. Shift Towards More Real-Time Analytics – In a fast-paced business environment,
real-time data analysis is gaining importance. Organisations need to make decisions
based on the latest data to remain competitive. Its data modelling and transformation
capabilities enable users to process and visualise data as it arrives.

2. The Increasing Importance of AI and ML in Data Analytics – AI and ML are
revolutionising how data is processed and analysed. Features like AutoML and the
integration with Azure Machine Learning make it easier for users to leverage
advanced analytics and predictive modelling. With these technologies becoming
indispensable in generating insights from large datasets, it’s advisable to obtain
updated training on this aspect alone.

3. Growth of Self-Service BI Tools – Self-service BI tools empower non-technical
users to create reports and dashboards, reducing the dependency on IT departments
and enabling faster decision-making. With tools like Power Query and the DAX
language, with a two-day Microsoft Power BI Course, users can transform data and
build sophisticated calculations.

4. Integration with Other Business Tools and Platforms – To streamline operations,
BI tools are increasingly integrating with other software solutions, such as CRM
systems, marketing platforms, and ERP software. Microsoft’s commitment to
integration is evident in the seamless connection between Power BI and other
Microsoft tools, such as Excel, SharePoint and Teams. Power BI can also connect to
various data sources, enabling businesses to consolidate data from different

Challenges and Considerations

While the future of Power BI looks promising, there are potential challenges and
considerations that organisations should keep in mind:

1. Data Privacy, Security and Quality– With increasing data breaches, maintaining
data privacy and security remains a significant concern. To protect sensitive
information, organisations must implement robust security measures when using
Power BI. Organisations should also invest in data quality assurance to ensure
reliable and accurate insights are generated from data.

2. Training and Skills – With the introduction of new features, organisations should
invest in training and development to ensure their teams can make the most of
Power BI’s capabilities.

3. Licensing Costs – Depending on the size and requirements of your organisation,
licensing costs can be a significant consideration. It’s essential to choose the right
licensing model that fits your budget and needs.

4. Change Management – The introduction of new BI tools and features often requires
changes in how the organisation operates. Change management is crucial to ensure
a smooth transition and user adoption.

In closing- The Future of Power BI and Microsoft Power BI Training

With a remarkable journey in the business world, Power BI continues to evolve, aligning with the latest trends, offering organisations and professionals a versatile and powerful tool for data analysis and reporting. Embrace the evolution, keep learning with specialist Microsoft Power BI Training, and harness the power of data to propel your business forward in the digital age.

Contact us with any Power BI course questions and we’ll be happy to assist.